Tuesday 7 October 2014

The First Weeks as A First Timer

Following on from my birth story, this will be the writings of me, a first time mum, in the first few weeks. 

As always my blogs are of my own experience and I never claim to be right, these are just my experiences to hopefully help you, or just bring back the memories of the first time you became a mum.

Let's recap the first couple of days, you go through what could well be the most exhausting slightly painfull experience of your life, and then you are given your precios new born to look after when really we just need a week long nap. 

 After two truly exauhsing days in the hospital you are told you can bring your new family home and it is so exciting! I literally shoved everything into the suitcases and packed up as quick as I could, dying to get home and start this journey! 

You are told while your pregnant all about the emotions of after you give birth, whether or not you choose to believe this, it's true. I felt great on the way home bringing my brand new baby into my home that I had spent 9 months preparing for him, until we drove into the driveway, I just filled up and cried, and the crying didn't stop. Emotional wreck much?

Your midwife will probably tell you when you leave the hospital to "take it easy" or "give yourself a few days" you really do need to listen, I didn't and I ended up getting quite sick afterwards. With my emotions all over the place crying over silly things like putting the milk in the dishwasher instead of the fridge, and thinking I was super mum from the get go, trying to do everything at once, it all back fired.
I should have listened to the midwife when I was told to rest, you should rest for the first 3-4 weeks not go out to the shops and do house work the lot. I will definitely not be playing super mum the next baby I have bacause my recovery time was doubled.

Me and Shane are very lucky though because Luca got into a routine and slept through the night from 11 to 7:30-8am from two 1/2 weeks! And he still does so we have been lucky. 
I don't know if it's the way we handled it, we didn't feed on demand, and I didn't breast feed. We had a routine of every 3 hours and if he wasn't awake we would wake him for his feed, because I wasn't well I had to be strict in his feeding patterns. 

Isn't it funny how your conversations change once you have a baby, I now find myself and Shane discussing his tempature is he too hot? Is he too cold? Is he tired? What colour was his poo? How big was it? Did he poo?!

We don't know everything and to help us along we have A health nurse, a mother and unfortunately mostly everyone you meet is armed and ready to give you advice! 
Us first timers get lots of advice and tips, you need to go with your gut, it's all about trial and error in the first few weeks. Just because one thing worked for one baby doesn't mean it will for all so don't get stressed if things your trying don't work at first. 
For example, I was told in the hospital to feed Luca every 3 hours 4 oz, so I listened, I got home and Luca was needing more and more, my mum told be to up it to 6 oz, other people were saying 7oz every 4 hours. You need to make your own decision, I tried the 6 oz every 3 hours and it was to much for him, so I then tried 6oz every 4 hours and it still wasn't working, I eventually found that 5 oz every 3 hours was giving him enough food and he was getting enough sleep and was satisfied. At 6 weeks I then went up to 6 oz every 3 hours and it is perfect for him.

Another thing I have realised is every doctor has a different opinion for what is okay, remember that health nurses go by the book and the book doesn't always work. You need to listen to your gut and if it works it works.

So are the nights really sleepless, is the money tight, can you never wear makeup again, are you always exhausted?
Im not exauhsted, but I do get tired, I don't have a screaming baby but Luca has his moments where I need to just step away for a minute and compose myself before I tackle the task ahead. I clean when he sleeps and I can also do my makeup ( on a good day) when he sleeps. If I can have a shower I'm having a great day! I find having a shower is the hardest task. Sometimes I stay in my pjs all day and take naps when he does, I am only human after all. As for money we aren't struggling, we are still able to go to the cinema granted we have to make sure we have everything sorted but you just look after your money a bit more and buy offers.

In my next blog I will be talking more in depth about money spending, how we got through the first few weeks, where we buy clothes and ways we have found to save money.

Being a mum for the first time is an amazing experience. I don't mind the sound of cries, or the fact I know every word to most nursery rhymes. I don't mind that my sitting room looks like a small baby shop or that I could wash bottles with my eyes closed, I don't mind that sometimes I smell or that I've worn the same pjs 3 days in a row, or even that my manicure from 2 weeks ago is now a few dots of colour on my nails.

I love that every day I see a new improvement, his first smile, when he lifted his head up from tummy time for the first time I told every one as is he was the most intelligent baby around. I love seeing his gummy smiles and getting cuddles, I am smitten.

I am one of those mums who's phone is filled with nursery rhymes, who posts more than enough photos of their babies on facebook, and updates their status at the sight of a nice big poo. I spend way to much time looking at baby toys and new clothes. I find myself coo-ing more than I speak English.

your baby isn't going to be small forever, so take loads of pictures, try not to worry to much, make time for yourself even if it's a bath at 11pm, light some candles get some bubbles and just chill. 
Having a baby isn't hard work, it's do-able work and it's worth it. 
Don't look at what other mums are doing and compare, look at what your doing and be happy that you get to do it. 

I hope you enjoyed this blog and keep an eye out for my next couple of blogs.

Over and out 
Momma bear

Thursday 18 September 2014

Becoming a mommy

Hello all and welcome back to my blog, from the title I assume you all know that my absence is due to the fact that my beautiful baby boy made his arrival. Yes, on the 14th of august 2014 at 12:47am baby Luca welcomed the world, but more on that topic if you keep reading. 

Like all of my blogs I write this stuff to help future mommys and sometimes just to get it out of my system so no negative comments. 

I'll start off with the juicy bits of my birth story because let's face it, either you have just got pregnant, your trying to get pregnant or coming to the end of your pregnancy this is the main thing we worry about and we want to know all. First of all I'm just going to tell all you expectant mothers to have a birth plan in your head but don't be upset when it doesn't go to plan, a baby is going to do what a baby wants to do. 

My initial due date was the 9th of august, so I was 40+4 when I gave birth. Keep in mind I gave birth on the Thursday. So I was in the hospital for a routine check as I was past my due date, I woke up at 10am and headed to the hospital. Getting the regular pokes and prods that happen at these checks my blood pressure was high and my pee had a small bit of protein so I was sent to the day ward to be monitored. I was checked and I had a sweep and was sent on my way. 
At 4pm I left the hospital and went to collect a suit for Shane. I have to say I was a sight for sore eyes! Sweat was pumping out of me and I was starting to get regular pains (not saying anything) we went home and I tried to have a sleep, which isn't the easiest during contractions so that didn't happen. I went down to Shane at 6 ish to tell him I was having contractions but not to get too excited, skipping forward a few hours it was now 4am still with no sleep and I was having a widdle, we were still timing contractions, I didn't even get to wipe my bum and I had already had two so they were a minute apart. 

Hospital time. 

In the hospital about 5am I was 1 cm dilated so I was left an hour in a&e to see if I progressed and I did, 2 cm. so up to the labour ward I went. 
In the labour ward I dilated to 3 cm within an hour so I was then taken to the delivery ward. I just want to say here, in the labour ward there will be women screaming ITS NOT NESSASERY! don't let it frighten you because it really is not that bad! 

Shane asleep in the labour ward. 

Anyway long story short I wasn't progressing I was 16 hours still at 3 cm and my little mans heart rate was dropping. Unfortunately the natural birth I was determined on was wiped away and thrown in the bin because I had to be prepped for an emergency c-section as much as I argued the point with the midwifes I had to get an epidural weather I wanted it or not. 

Two hours after my epidural I had finally moved from 3cm to 5cm which wasn't good enough. 11pm Wednesday night C-section still strongly on the cards the midwife checked me and we were hoping for 8cm but I was 10! Ready to meet my baby boy and ready to push! 

Shane helped with the delivery and he was so so supportive I honestly couldn't have asked him to be any better he was truly amazing! An hour of pushing (which really flys by!) baby Luca was welcomed to the world at 12:47am Thursday, weighing 9lbs and he is just beautiful! 

The one thing your not told which thankfully my mum informed me of this before hand, after you give birth, you then deliver your placenta. On your first baby it should come pretty much straight after but mine wasn't planning on coming, so again I was dosed with another whack of the epidural and prepped for a c-section.  
I told my midwife to give me a while and I will push it out because I was not about to be cut open after giving birth naturally for a placenta! So I was hooked up to an iv of hormones to speed up the process. It took an hour and it finally came I'm so thankful I really didn't want to go under the knife. 

Out of the whole experience as exhausted as I was after being awake for 40 odd hours it was the most amazing experience of my life! And I'd do it again and again and again. Before any of you are quick to judge and say it was easy because I had an epi, that is not the case the dose isn't high enough to take away from the feeling of birth, you feel every part of it but it's not excruciating and there is no need to scream. 

My two boys asleep after a long couple of days. 

The happiest day of my life was the day Luca arrived it was an emotional whirlwind, I really can't explain the feeling of meeting your baby for the first time. If you have had a baby before you will know what I mean, if you are waiting to have yours you have it to look forward to. 

Everything we go through during pregnancy and birth as up and down as it all is, becoming a mother makes it all worth it. 

My next blog will be on the first few weeks of mother hood.

If you liked this blog or think you know someone it could benefit then make sure to like and share it. 

I love you all

Bella now also known as Momma Bear. 


Sunday 13 July 2014

What's in My Hospital Bag for Baby?

Welcome back to my blog,I hope you are all having a wonderful day. I have another mumtastic blog for you all. 

I have never been as organised for anything in my life like I am for this baby! From the moment I found out we were having a baby I planned planned planned. One thing I was very excited to do was pack my hospital bag , but I had to leave something till the end otherwise I would be going crazy trying to find things to keep me occupied. 

Your advised to have you hospital bag ready around 4-5 weeks prior to your due date so just incase your little bundle of joy decides to make an early arrival you have one less thing to stress about! I have searched and searched through this World Wide Web for the "perfect" hospital bag list, being my first pregnancy I was so confused as to how much and what of to put in the bag. I will leave a couple of links down below to the lists I found most helpful, I eventually just took them as a guide line and done my own bag to how it suits me. 

Using a bag we got in River Island, which was purchased to be a nappy bag for both me and Shane, so he didn't want all pink sparkles and the lot so we decided to opt for a cute black bag. Nice,spacious, and simple. 

What I packed:

2 duo suits
6 vests
4 onesies
1 baby towel
5 hats
6 pairs of socks
6 bibs
6 mittens
5 muslin cloths
1 receiving blanket
Soft toy rabbit
Outfit for going home

Toiletries bag:

24 newborn nappies
Babi oil
Changing mat
Baby wipes
Nappy cream
Bath wash
Hair brush

What do you ladies think of his going home outfit? It might be a bit big but isn't it cute! 

Now ladies, that is everything packed and ready for my little man, I may need more nappies but there are shops around my hospital, and remember that the hospital does supply things to you.

You may think it's quite a lot, but I'm preparing for throw ups and all the lovely things that comes with a baby.

some of the websites I found helpfull:

Also have a look on your hospitals website because they sometimes have a list of things to bring. Most if not all baby books have a guide for the hospital as well.

I hope this helped some of you, are you having a baby soon? what did you put in your babys hospital bag?

Lots of love
Bella. X

Thursday 10 July 2014

Lushious Locks

So it’s finally time to Put your hands together and give a clap to the wonderful woman that is Stacey Kinsella! This lady is the genius behind Lushious Locks, so what is it that has all her clients running back for more? well ladies I’ll fill you in.

I get a lot of questions about my hair, where I get it done, is it good, it is bad, how much,the questions are endless. So I’m here to tell you about what goes on behind the hair.
 Anyone who has been following my posts will know a small bit about the hair guru to many ladies and the mastermind behind these extensions. 
Stacey has her own salon, I will link all her information throughout this blog. If you have any more questions after you have finished reading, leave me a comment or message me on any of my social networks.

I have been getting Lushious Locks for nearly a year now, and it’s safe to say I am now fully hooked! Above is a picture of my hair. Before and after, needless to say It completely transforms my look, from a shabby mess into my inner supermodel with “Lushious Locks”. These extensions build length, volume and provide you with healthy looking hair. I can count on Stacey to keep my hair looking lushious and fresh at all times.

This is the most recent photo of my hair after 4 months! You can do as you would do your own hair, straighten it, curl it, dye it. Unlike many other methods of extension application out there this system requires no heat, no glue, no sewing or braiding so it doesn’t result in any damage done to your natural hair. This method is called micro beading, it is done by placing a tiny bead at the root of your hair and clamped down causing the extension to attach to your hair.
 Stacey recommends you get them maintained and every 6-8 weeks to keep them fresh I personally get maintenance and a top up for an added umph but this is optional. Lushious Locks uses the finest 100% Human AAA grade Remy hair which has been personally chosen by Stacey herself guaranteeing the most natural looking finish.
Before I discovered Lushious Locks I used to go though the everyday process of clipping in and out strips of hair extensions, which was personally a pain and I didn’t find clip in extensions to be comfortable. I’m all for “no pain, no gain” but in the case of hair its important to be comfortable to prevent headaches and all sorts. 

This method is the most comfortable application I have tried. Lushious Locks blends beautifully with your natural hair and is incredibly hard to detect. Stacey has a great saying “get the celeb hair without the celeb pricetag” a full head of beautiful long Lushious locks for only €225.I say ladies get your bums moving and on your way down to Lushious Locks for a sprinkle of Stacey Dust and watch your look transform.

So forgetting about the amazing quality hair and her flawless experience in the industry, why do her clients travel from all corners of Ireland to go to her you ask? Well ladies she is a gorgeous woman on the outside and she is just as gorgeous on the inside. She doesn’t just do your hair to pay the bills, Stacey puts her heart and soul in to each and every one of us, loves what she does and strives to please.
Stacey has gone to all lengths to insure in the times of the rescission we don’t need to spend big prices for big hair. 

She has also organised photoshoots with three beautiful clients to show us all just how fabulous her Lushious Locks are. She decided to do this Photo shoot to show us the extensions in a different way instead of the back of the head. 

Not only is she brilliant in extensions she is also very talented in hair styling from “up do’s” to voluminous curls.
Going to stacey is like going over to a girlfriends house having chats. I couldn’t recommend this girl enough. The customer service is amazing she really does take pride in what she does and all of her clients. So ladies Like I say get down to Lushious Locks now and give Stacey a visit I promise you it will be worth your while. If your anything like me you will walk in a shabby dog and walk out a supermodel feeling like you can conquer the world.


If you enjoyed reading this post don’t be shy to give it a like, share & follow.

Love of beauty is taste. The creation of beauty is art.

Bella. x

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Face Of The Day

As always I'm trying to think of different ways to help you & give you something good to read. I have decided that every few days I'm going to feature a post on my blog with ALL makeup information, what I wore and how I achieved the over all look. 

 From what I can see on my social networks this kind of post would be beneficial to you and also can stop me from repeating myself. I am constantly getting comments and mails about what products I used in a photo I posted and so on, so if I provide you all with every little detail, were all happy.

Non of these posts are sponsored, I'm not paid to tell you that I use certain products. If you would like a review or have any questions on the products I use then please ask me in the comments below or email me, i will leave my contact details below. 

Lastly before I get into this, Not all of these will be from makeup tutorials I do on youtube, if you would like a tutorial on any of the looks again, like this post, share it and leave a comment. Non of the photos I use are edited in any way to enhance the look of the makeup. I take all my photos on the iphone 5 camera, nothing special. 

Lets get to it.

I always use a base before my foundation weather its a primer, bb cream or cc cream it's there.
 For my face I used:
see photos below for reference
  • NYX HD studio photogenic primer, applied with my hands as I would apply my moisturiser.
  • Fuschia makeup concealer palette. Where I used a dark brown shade in the hollows of my cheeks, on my nose, under my bottom lip and around my temples to contour, blending that all in with my real techniques contour brush. 
  • Again using the same concealer palette I picked up the lightest shade and used this as a highlight under my eyes, on my chin on the bridge of my nose bringing it on to my forehead. Blended out with my Real Techniques blending brush. 
  • L'oreal Nude Magique liquid foundation. I applied this around the outers of my face blending inwards.
  • Rimmel London Clear Complexion powder. I set my foundation.
  • Sleek contour palette in light. I then contoured the hollows of my cheeks and up towards my temples with the Real techniques contour brush.
  • Fuschia Makeup. I used #1 as my blush (yes it is an eyeshaddow). 

For my Eyes & Lips:
see photo below as reference to colours
  •  Fuschia makeup eyeshaddow pallete, I used shade #1 and applied all over lid using a fluff brush from smash box cosmetics.
  • Using the same pallete, shade #2 applied to the middle of the lid and blended up towards the brow. #3 applied with a small pencil brush in the tear duct to highlight.
  • Bringing shade #1&#2 to the bottom lash line and blending out.  
  • Inglot matte black gel liner and a thin liner brush to line my top lash line.
  • Fuschia make-up light concealer to highlight and carve out the brow.
  • Lip is concealed with a light concealer from Fuschia and then again using eyeshaddow #1 & #2 I applied this to my lips for a matte lip finish. 
  • Lashes are individual lashes in Medium and long on the top. short applied to the bottom and lashings of scandaleyes retro glam mascara.
  • all topped off with a highlight on my cupids bow from the Fuschia makeup concealer palette. 
  • brows I used Cresty Cosmetics in dark brown.

I Hope that answers some of your questions and gave you a little help on what kind of products I use to create different looks. Like I said if you have any questions at all never hesitate to ask me.

To contact me you can comment below.
Message me on either of these facebook links
Find me on Instagram 
@ Beautyloverdose
Email me on 

dont forget sharing is caring 

Lots of Love

Sunday 6 July 2014

June Favourites!

What is it with us ladies that has us crazed over others beauty faves? I am personally a huge culprit to religiously sitting back and watching those monthly favourites videos that pop up once a month has passed. For those of you who aren't familiar with the monthly favourites it's nothing to do with our menstrual cycles! It is a list of products and things, fashion, beauty, books, films whatever has tickled your fancy or you see yourself grabbing more often that month. 

My love for these videos derive totally from the fact that I am a beauty addict. I LOVE to see what people are buying, what's new, what's good,bad and simply amazing! So if this sounds like your cup of tea or your just want to be nosey keep reading. 

First things first, yes these are usually in video format, I like recording videos, but I also like writing blogs, so your getting this in blog form. This will also be just beauty faves of mine. I hope you enjoy. 
Grab a cuppa, sit back , relax and read. 

Let's get down to the good bits, my monthly favourites, what has Bella been buying, and using this month? 
Not so long ago I decided to join a beauty subscription service "glossy box "( I would definitely recommended to all you beauty lovers out there!) long story short this subscription service gives you 5 sometimes 6 if there feeling nice, beauty products to try out before they hit stores or just while they are released. The great thing about this particular one is that it gives you (most of the time) a full sized product to try out. My pet peeve is sachets, I just can't cope with them. So in my 3 previous  Glossy boxes I received a couple of products that I just can't stop using!

So Susan Cosmetics:
This blush is considered a "universal" blush, it claims to nourish the epidermis, while reducing redness and also offers uv protection. While I can't exactly say it does all these things because I don't know if it nourishes the epidermis or gives uv protection, what I do know is this blush is fabulous, it is so highly pigmented I can see it lasting me a very long time. It blends beautifully and gives a gorgeous glow as it has a small highlighting effect in it as well. I have also used this blush as a base to a natural eyeshaddow look, so it's universal in some way that I know! 

As this is a product from a subscription box the price is in pounds, this retails at £18 and you can shop it on sosusan.com

Garnier Skin Naturals:
BB cream, something I said I would never try again after a couple of humongous let downs! As it came in my glossy box I told myself to just try it out and see how it goes, much to my delight I'm happy with the outcome. If any of you beautiful readers are Irish or English, you will have been blessed with the fabulous weather we have all been graced with the past month or so.  One thing that isn't so great that comes with the heat is the increased amount of perspiration your fabulous body produces, leaving us unfortunate makeup wearers with an awful patchy appearance. One very hot day in early June I decided to use this BB cream, as I have never understood the "hype" I wasn't aiming very high in my outcome. On application as most I feel it to be quite sticky, one I really buffed this into the skin (using a foundation brush) I was actually quite happy with the outcome. My skin felt nice, and all through the day my sweaty face did not make a patchwork out of my makeup, I now find myself grabbing this during the hot sweaty days. 
Don't expect full coverage because a BB cream isn't a foundation, it's a moisturiser that is highly pigmented. 
I'm quite pale and I used the medium one ( because that's the one I received) so I did need a bit of tan.

Garnier BB cream can be bought in any boots or superdrug. I think this products retails around €10

Rimmel London Scandaleyes Retro Glam Mascara:
Last product from my Glossy box faves is this mascara. I don't know about you but I personally get a bit of a fright when I see a big clumpy looking brush, don't get me wrong I love my big lashes but these frighten me. I feel that big mascara brushes can tend to make your eyelashes look a bit heavy and thick ( in a bad way) again being a product I received I had to give it a go because that is after all the point of these boxes! The brush has an hour glass shape to it which gives you nice plump lashes, fanning them out to give a wide eye effect. I got over my fear after a couple of coats of this as it really does give a false lash effect! 

Rimmel is available in pharmacies, selected Tesco, Dunnes, penny's, boots and superdrug stores nationwide.

Soap & Glory Butter Yourself Moisture Lotion:
Last but not least this favourite of mine has recently came back into my beauty regime! After a good scrub in the shower or a soak in the bath, I put a good amount of this godly stuff onto my palms and butter myself up! The bottle says "rough elbows? Bumpy upper arms? Lower legs? Deploy.." I can honestly say that this stuff works! It smells like an orgasmic fruit explosion has happened, and that smell stays. Just to clarify the amazing-ness of this smell, imagine a lynx add, the women are all running after the men in herds, that is this moisturiser for us. Herds of men running after that wonderful scent.

Soap & Glory can be found in any boots store. 

Now your brains have been filled with the knowledge of my June faves you can now either write a wish list, jump up, run and buy, or you can just accept what I have said, give this post a like and if your in a good mood after reading this, then follow and share it on Facebook. 

Another little thing before I go, I love writing my blogs and making my videos, if you beauty's like reading and watching please follow me and share my blogs and YouTube around. Even if there is 5 of you I appreciate that my blogs and videos put a smile on faces & help you out.

One last thing! 
Share your favourites with me! Comment down below and let me know what your faves are! 

Lots of love

Bella. X

Wednesday 2 July 2014

Ready To POP!

Just 6 weeks left until my belly decides it's time for a pop! Being my first pregnancy I am no expert of course, but who's to say any of us are so please don't take my blogs in the wrong way. I want to share my experiences as a first timer and mommy to be with everyone and who knows my posts might help or even put other mommas mind at ease. 

With only six tiny weeks left till d-day I find myself wondering what kind of mother I will be, what will labour be like, my first reaction to holding my child for the first time, how will I cope as a new mum, will I be good at it,what is my life going to be like? I'm now feeling a huge whirlwind of emotions which I'm sure are perfectly normal at this time, I mean I am bringing a whole new life into this world! 

I have so many questions that I would need a thousand booklets to write them down in and I'll probably never get them answered, and if I do the answers will never be right, your parenting is different to my mums parenting and I'm sure mine will vary too and who know if we are right? At the moment I'm just doing what I suppose every other woman does and just goes with it. There are no manuals, no books, it's not a lesson we can take in school. I suppose doing it right is just doing it with love and care. 

How can I love someone so much and have not met them yet! It's such a strange feeling to think that the alien movements inside my stomach are actually part of me, I have contributed to the creation of a life! I think we need to all just sit back for a minute and appreciate what an amazing experience life is, how amazing pregnancy and making new life is.....woah! 

So I'm 20 years young, and me and the love of my life had a long long discussion one day about starting a family, the idea became real and we started to plan. We both wanted to start a family young, we don't see ourselves with anybody else and why not have a baby when we are both at are healthiest point in life? So 4/5 months of trying for a baby and it was at a photoshoot that I was feeling very strange and my clothing wasn't fitting quite right and I felt very bloated! The photographer said I think you might be pregnant. 
Driving home that night me and Shane had talks and it was so very possible that we might be. Home and the test done to our delight we were. I honestly can't explain how happy we both are.
 This was planned and I don't think any amount of planning and talking prepares you for the actual event. You don't plan the sleepless nights (before the baby has made an apprehence), the mood changes, the emotional effects on yourself, how you see your body, your relationship the lot! We aren't told that itchiness, increased body tempature, heartburn, sleeplessness, faintness, bleeding gums,rashes and so much more are all a part of pregnancy.

The main things that have gotten me through to the six week mark is Shane and his complete patience, even though we all think every now and again that men are being insensitive but really cut them some slack, there as oblivious to all of this as you are, the difference is it's happening to us and they just hear about it. The second thing is every now and again when I'm hating the way my body looks, or the heartburn has gotten so bad that no amount of gaviscon will helpi it, I feel the kicks of our baby in my stomach and I just think to myself, stop complaining you are about to be someone's whole world, your baby is in your stomach and even though it's causing these things you don't particularly like it will all be worth it when you hold him for the first time, he get his first tooth, his first day at school all these firsts I'm sure one day you will think back to that time you where sitting in bed with heartburn and you felt him kick inside your tummy that it was all worth it.

Putting aside the worries of raising a child and becoming a mother and how we will feel about that and how we are going to do it, I need to express the worries for actually getting the child into this world. We all know the baby didn't get in our bellies by rubbing our nipples together, that part was fun! Up until now I haven't really thought of the evacuation of the baby from the belly part, it's okay to be scared I am terrified. I keep telling myself it's like having a big poo, but really multiply your biggest poo by 5 and I think we will be getting somewhere! So we have had all the fun of the baby making and then the baby baking, I don't think my 5 pregnancy books will prepare me for the moment of the evacuation. 
Let's be real here, it's the final count down is playing in my head right now, but you don't just say "open sesame" and the baby just makes it's grand reveal! There is a whole lot of cramping, pushing, drugs, people seeing more of you than you have, and then once you get the baby out, did you know you have to go through that again! I didn't, not until recently anyway. 

I don't want to scare anyone, I'd only really be scaring myself! Just think if it was as bad as people tell us it is, then why do people keep doing it! 

So breath do a few oohh's and a couple of aahh's, shout at a couple of people and then relax! We can do this, we are built for this very task. I want to say congratulations to every woman who has done this, and good luck to everyone who is about to. 

I'll see you on the flip side ladies.

" it's the final count down... Do do dooooo dododododooooo" 

Mommy to be 
Over and out!


For more baby things have a look at my youtube channel!
Youtube pregnancy update
Youtube is it a boy or a girl?